halcyon + LMTLSS
the abstract
Throughout my teenage years and into early adulthood I have developed a deep passion for creating multimedia works, from music to art/design to photography, film and fashion, and am in the brainstorming phase of founding a multimedia business with intent of commercializing my creative edge and passion for the arts.
A few key problems I’ve identified -
Art and creativity can be hard to sufficiently commercialize on an independent level though it is so valuable (it has become easier with the internet, but hard without a following).
This is because creative works, especially digital, are free of charge to view and access on the internet.
Therefore art and creativity can only be sustained through advertising (streaming platforms, platforms with premiums, or by entering the field of creative advertising.)
Learning the skill of creating art can be costly. I want to lower the barrier of entry to creativity or provide a centralized platform through which creatives can grow and develop their craft and take action easily.
To create is one thing; reaching an audience is difficult. I want to make it easier for artists to reach an audience.
I want to turn my creative assets into a profitable business but am still trying to figure out (1) what exactly the products are going to be, (2) what the plan is, and (3) how to put the plan into action. I am particularly focused on and interested in the creation of music, visual media and written media. I am devoted to developing a profitable, practical business model on this foundation and mission that can be scalable over time, and I believe my involvement in WWB will provide me valuable information, connections, assets and skills to get closer to my endeavors.
I am inspired by business models such as:
Independent record labels.
Social media platforms conducive to sharing of the arts such as Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and VSCO.
Learning platforms such as Skillshare or Masterclass.
Art schools, basically.
Creative consulting firms, marketing firms and commercial art.
I want to synthesize the virtuality of the operations of these businesses with the tangibility of corporation. It will be both virtual and physical.
(This kind of sounds like a monopoly on what the creative industry has to offer as of right now, but the idea is wanting to offer a one-stop destination for creatives looking to fulfill their creative potential but feel stuck in some aspect).
That’s all a bit ambitious in the short run: that would be my long-term goal. But as of right now I am focused on honing my own craft and releasing my own creative works, all while developing a profitable, practical business model on this foundation that can be scalable over time.
the 5-year plan
release of as the world turns (early 2026)
release of Wild At Heart (10 year anniversary edition) (late 2026)
seek out venture capital investment funds
seek out core clients (stage 1)
release of transitions (10 year anniversary edition) (early 2028)
release of wake up (10 year anniversary edition) (late 2028)
to be finished…
to be finished…
release of static motion (July 2025)
development of business model
identification of key products, pricing and strategy
identification of key clients
creating a cohesive brand narrative
acquire as much real-world experience as possible + build networks
release of uncertainty (10 year anniversary edition) (late 2027)
to be finished…
release of romanticism (10 year anniversary edition) (early 2029)
release of Work in Progress (10 year anniversary edition) (late 2029)*
to be finished…