All featured works are my own past academic assignments, or competition pieces, that have been completed and previously submitted.
Politics: Political Sociology, International Relations
Economics: No essays to be featured (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, QE)
Philosophy: General Philosophy, Moral Philosophy
Politics: Practice of Politics, Theory of Politics
Economics: No essays (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, P&S)
English A: Language and Literature HL
Economics HL
Geography SL
Chinese A: Literature SL
0450 Business Studies
0455 Economics
0457 Global Perspectives
0460 Geography
0475 English Literature
0500 First Language English
0509 First Language Chinese
What, if anything, do rich nations owe poor nations?
Is AI a threat to human creativity?
International Relations
Classical Approaches | Power Politics | Postcolonialism and Empire | International Cooperation | Global War and Security | Identity & International Security | DPT | Culture and International Conflict
Political Sociology
Class | Ethnic minorities | Nationalism | Social movements | Elites | Political culture and social capital | Civil wars and revolutions
Is AI a threat to human creativity?
Submitted for Institute for Ethics in AI Bernard Williams Essay Prize 2024 | Oxford University undergraduates
Moral Philosophy
Pleasure, happiness and well-being | Alternatives to consequentialism | Virtue, character and integrity
Practice of Politics
Presidentialism and parliamentarism | Democracy and authoritarianism | State strength | Social movements | Revolutions | Legislatures | Executives | Countermajoritarian powers | Party systems | Parties and voters | Populism
Q-Step Essay: Does consensus democracy improve the quality of government?
General Philosophy
Mind and body | Free will | The problem of evil | Knowledge | Skepticism | Personal identity | Induction
Economics: Internal Assessment
English A: Extended Essay
How does Bong Joon Ho’s Snowpiercer portray the similarities of a capitalist system to a totalitarian system?
What, if anything, do rich nations owe poor nations?
John Locke Institute Global Essay Competition 2022 | High Commendation