Unavailable subpages (9/3/2025):
(page work in progress - other subpages will be updated soon!)
Photos shot on iPhone unless specified otherwise.
2023-24, Oxford on iPhone;
05.2023, Post-IB European Grad Trip;
12.2019-01.2020, Japan and Korea: winter, two months pre-pandemic;
12.2018, Samoëns Grand Massif.

10.2024, Night shoot
06-09.2024, Post-fresher Summer on Film
2024, Oxford on Film

2023-24, Oxford on iPhone (7/14)

07.2023, Zurich and Copenhagen

05.2023, Post-IB European Grad Trip

12.2022, Singapore
10-11.2022, FW22 Lightroom edits
02/04.2022, Neighbourhood

2020-2021, Hong Kong under the pandemic
12.2019-01.2020, Japan and Korea: winter, 2 months pre-pandemic
04-08.2019, Thailand

12.2018, Samoëns Grand Massif
10.2018, New Zealand study tour, year 8
07-09.2018, Summer into Fall

2017, Summer in Europe and Winter in Canada